Do I need to subscribe Alerts?

It is not essential and if you subscribed to alerts you will not get the latest offers from our partners, do not get your selected exchange rates alert.

Are there any charges to use services?

No. Remit Advisor services are free, if you are transferring from our website to 3rd party website, they may have their own charges, read their terms and condition as we have not control on them.

How do I unsubscribe from your mailing list?

We would like you to stay in touch with us, so we can update you with better services and offers. But, if you decided not to contact by us, you can unsubscribe us and we'll remove your details from our contact list. When you unsubscribe online you'll be asked to enter your email address, password and date of birth and we'll then confirm that you've successfully unsubscribed. Please note: It may take up to five working days for your request to be fully processed. Alternatively you can contact us online or email us at unsubscribe@remitadivosr.com or write to us at the address below and ask for your details to be removed.

What is the IBAN code?

IBAN stands for: International Bank Account Number. It is an internationally recognized means of identifying bank accounts across national borders. It reduces the risk of transcription errors.

Will you be enabling any new destination countries soon?

Yes, we are always working on enabling transfers to new countries. Please feel free to drop us a line if you think we are missing a destination.

How do I contact Remit Advisor?

Contact details for the Remit Advisor Customer Service Centre can be found in the Contact Us section.

How long will it take for the payment to be received by the beneficiary?

We are not directly involved in sending money. It’s depend which service you would like to use to send money rage from instant to couple of days, our platform provide you all the information about services of our partners.

How much maximum money I can Transfer in a month?

Different countries have different rules or restriction, we recommend before transferring any large payment consult with the local Revenue department of the country you lived in.